The University of Pittsburgh at Titusville’s Education and Training Hub is dedicated to the development of workforce opportunities in Northwest PA. Pitt-Titusville’s Education and Training Hub is a unique model that prioritizes our student's career paths and sets them on the road to success.
Never before have a university, a two-year public college, and a career training organization combined forces to fuel a region's economic rebirth.
Pitt-Titusville’s Education and Training Hub model was deployed in the fall of 2020 and its partners are comprised of Pitt-Titusville, Northern Pennsylvania Regional College, Swanson School of Engineering’s Manufacturing Assistance Center, and Brockway Center for Arts & Technology.
The hub’s available programs reflect its primary mission to develop workforce opportunities within Northwest PA. Available disciplines and training include manufacturing, nursing, early childhood education, business administration and other programs designed to provide students the building blocks for their future careers.