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About Sarah Reed Children's Center

For more than 150 years, Sarah Reed Children’s Center has been known and respected for high quality treatment of traumatized and “at risk” children. Providing a full continuum of care for children and families, we are committed to creating a safe, therapeutic and healing environment to promote positive changes, resiliency and success.

Sanctuary® certified with six program sites throughout Erie County, Sarah Reed Children’s Center provides a broad array of services to address the emotional needs of children and adolescents who have difficulty experiencing success — whether at home, in school, or in the community.

The Children's Center employs an array of mental health treatment staff to include: therapists, direct support professionals, case managers, LPNs, RNs, teachers, classroom support staff, psychologists, psychiatrists, supervisors and administrative support staff. Over the past 40+ years, Sarah Reed has provided foundational experience for student interns at the bachelor's, master's, doctoral and post-doctoral levels, as they embark on a career in the field of mental health.


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Find Sarah Reed Children's Center

2445 West 34th Street, Erie, PA 16506
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