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About AirBorn Inc.

AirBorn is a 100% employee owned company headquartered in Georgetown Texas, whose core business is engineering & manufacturing specialized connectors & electronic components for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) world wide. We serve customers across many industries including: Aerospace, Energy, Geophysical, Industrial, Instrumentation, Marine, Medical, Military/Defense, Space Exploration, Storage/Networking & Telecommunications.

The culture at AirBorn embraces both Six Sigma & LEAN manufacturing principals. Beginning with front office personnel and extending to the production personnel in our factories. AirBorn products are trusted to perform in extreme conditions, where mission-critical reliability is vital to success. Customers trust AirBorn products, and have for over 60 years.


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Find AirBorn Inc.

2700 Mechanic Street, Lake City, Pennsylvania 16423
Step 2-2 - Create Your Organization


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Step 3 - Register Your Personal Account