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About Independent Electrical Contractors of Pennsylvania

IEC Pennsylvania, a statewide chapter of the national Independent Electrical Contractors trade association, promotes the electrical construction industry through education and training, support of merit shop contracting, and promotion of the electrical trade as a career path.

Proudly serving merit-shop members and electrical contractors across Pennsylvania, we offer apprenticeships, continuing education programs, and exclusive networking and appreciation events. We also advocate for the electrical contractor industry in the State Capitol.

To grow our industry, we are dedicated to free enterprise values, excellence in safety and quality of training, and a commitment to integrity and ethics. We strive for exceptional performance in construction, business and education.

IEC Pennsylvania represents merit-shop members and independent electrical and systems contractors in all but three of Pennsylvania's 67 counties (Beaver, Lawrence and Mercer counties in Pennsylvania are served by IEC Western Reserve based in Youngstown, Ohio).


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Find Independent Electrical Contractors of Pennsylvania

8 Long Lane, Suite B, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
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Step 3 - Register Your Personal Account