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Step 2 - Enter Your Information

Step 2 - Select Your Organization
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About ANNA Shelter

Our Mission

To provide lost/stray pets with a safe nurturing environment where they can be reunited with their owners or placed into a new loving responsible home.
To give unwanted pet animals a chance to be adopted into new caring homes with life long commitments.
To provide necessary medical care and spay/neuter services for all adopted animals or those in our care.
To provide this care in a loving, nurturing, clean, safe environment.


Contact Information

Please log in to view contact details.

Find ANNA Shelter

1555 East 10th Street, Erie, PA 16511
Step 2-2 - Create Your Organization


This email address that will be displayed on the organization profile page.

This email address is where all interest forms and interest information will be sent to.

You must include the https:// in the website URL for the URL to be correctly linked.

The size for the banner is 1000x200 pixels.
Step 3 - Register Your Personal Account