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About Iron Workers Local Union #3

The statement "We don't go to the Office, We build it" rings true with Iron Workers Local #3. Known as the "Cowboys of the Sky", we have completed some of the most recognizable projects in Northwest Pa.. Are you willing to work hard and get paid good money while you train? That's right! Unlike trade schools, you don't pay us. You'll be on the job earning a good living while you learn the trade. Current apprentices can start at $16 per hour and can earn up to $26, plus accrue health care and other benefits immediately. The apprenticeship program is a three-year commitment and you can earn college credit.

There's no getting around it – the work is demanding – and much of it is outdoors. And, there are requirements similar to those of other building trade apprenticeship programs:


Contact Information

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Find Iron Workers Local Union #3

4901 East Lake Rd, Erie, Pa 16511
Step 2-2 - Create Your Organization


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Step 3 - Register Your Personal Account