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About Iadeluca Chiropractic Center

The first visit is all ABOUT you!

Our priority is your health and wellness. The doctor is going to sit down with you and actually listen to your concerns. We want to know everything you can tell us about your condition. We will then do a complete exam to learn as much as possible about your condition. Why? Because we want you to be given the personal care and expertise you deserve to achieve maximum health. This will not be a cookie cutter diagnosis or treatment. We will study your health history and tests and determine what will be best for you.

The doctor will then meet with you and go over the findings of your examination. We will determine what kind of care you need and if chiropractic is what you need. If you need something other than what we provide – we will tell you and recommend what you should do. If we can help you – we will tell you and clearly communicate what kind of care you need to achieve your desired health and wellness. By the end of this report you will enjoy the confidence that comes from knowing what is causing your health concerns and what it will take to get to the solution. No treatments will begin until you understand what is being recommended and agree with this report of findings. You can expect service not pressure.


Contact Information

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Find Iadeluca Chiropractic Center

1334 West 26th Street, Erie, PA 15608-1402
Step 2-2 - Create Your Organization


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This email address is where all interest forms and interest information will be sent to.

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Step 3 - Register Your Personal Account