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About Sisters of Saint Joseph Neighborhood Network

The Sisters of St. Joseph Neighborhood Network (SSJNN) was formed in January of 2000 for the purpose of reaching out to the neighborhood from 12th to 26th Streets and State Street to Cranberry Street in Erie, Pennsylvania. The SSJNN\\\'s initial efforts included a resident survey to obtain basic demographic information, identify community needs, and assess residents\\\' perceptions of the neighborhood. Based on the information gathered, the SSJNN has coordinated efforts with various other community providers and developed new programs to address the most critical needs in the neighborhood.

Our Mission Statement

The SSJ Neighborhood Network, sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania, provides leadership, advocates for local residents, and partners with the broader community to develop opportunities for both personal growth and neighborhood revitalization.

Our Vision Statement

The Neighborhood Network will work toward mobilizing local leadership, providing a focus for self-help initiatives, earning the trust of the neighborhood residents, and the confidence of the broader community.

“Revitalizing a neighborhood. Empowering its people.”


Contact Information

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Find Sisters of Saint Joseph Neighborhood Network

425 West 18th Street, Erie, PA 16502
Step 2-2 - Create Your Organization


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